Auxiant is an independent TPA with over 150 full time employees. We have offices in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Madison, Wisconsin and Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We have been in business since 1982 and are dedicated to providing our clients with the best possible service. Each client has a dedicated team of individuals who specialize in areas including stop loss, account management, enrollment, claims, Section 125 and or COBRA.
With continuous innovation, superior technology and far-reaching capabilities, we use our sophistication, depth and flexibility to find the best customized solutions.
Auxiant offers flexibility to craft solutions that fit your company and your goals and we offer best in class customer service -- always. We are your benefits backroom so you never go looking for the best answers and solutions.
Executive Vice President
Executive Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Sales and Marketing
Vice President of Operations
Director of Client Services
Director of Enrollment
and Auxiant Medical Management
Director of Claims and Customer Service